Strangers from hell, Yim Siwan and Lee Dong-wook fandoms unite to raise funds for campaigns for Gaza, Sudan and CongoDonation links:


Hello Sfhies, Swans, and LDW fans!
Strangers for Peace was created in hopes to collectively raise donations for campaigns in need for individuals in Palestine, Sudan and Congo through our collective fandom.
Our goal is to raise as much money as possible and relieve the burden of those whose lives have been devastated at the hands of their oppressors.
How will the fundraiser work?
Volunteers will sign up as Creators (artists, writers, and video editors).
In exchange for a donation to a verified campaign, individuals can request a prompt for a drawing, video edit, or drabble/one-shot fic from our Creators.
Individuals will make a donation to a verified campaign,
screenshot/download their receipt, and send their valid donation receipt to our admins. With the donation the individual will provide a prompt for the creation of their choice.
Prompts will be assigned to Creators at random based on their creation preferences. Creations will be posted to @strangers4peace unless otherwise requested as well as sent privately to the kind donors accounts.
We thank you for your support!

Comission Rules and Guidelines:

From August 12 - October 6 (11:59pm EST)Fandoms Include:
- Strangers from Hell (2019)
- Other Yim Siwan works: Summer Strike, The Merciless, Run On, Unlocked, Misaeng, Boyhood, etc.
- Other Lee Dongwook works: Bad and Crazy, A Shop for Killers, Tale of the Nine Tailed, Touch your Heart, Goblin, etc.
Character centric, romantic ships, and platonic ships are accepted!
DISCLAIMER Not accepting NSFW prompts due to the nature of the fundraiser. Thank you.
A chance to commission the talented creatives from the Strangers From Hell fandom + Yim Siwan and Lee Dongwook enjoyers, while also helping families in Palestine, Sudan and Congo!!!What do I have to do?
Make a minimum donation of $7 USD to be eligible to send in a prompt for a personal fic, fanart, video/ photo edit of your choosing!
(Greater donations are eligible for more detailed commissions!)
With a minimum donation of $7 USD you will receive one of the indicated:
- A minimum 500 word fanfiction of your choosing
- A fan sketch of your choosing
- A minimum 20 second video edit of your choosing
- A photo edit of your choosing
Disclaimer: Added detail is up to the creators discretion. If you wish for your commission to have more detail than what is indicated above, please provide a donation of $8 or more USD. (Higher donations will automatically be eligible for greater detail).

Creator Rules and Guidelines

- Creators must join the Discord server to receive their prompts (Invite link will be emailed to volunteers within the week)
- NSFW works are NOT permitted due to the nature of the fundraiser (i.e., explicit sexual content, explicit graphic violence/gore).
-> Disclaimer: [Dark themes are permitted due to canon fandom themes, however please be respectful and aware of what we are raising money for. If you are unsure what qualifies, please DM one of the admins]
- Writers can write for as little or as much as desired (minimum 500 words is required).
- Artists can create as detailed as desired (minimum sketch is required).
- Video edit duration as long as desired (minimum 20 secs unless otherwise specified by donor).
- You may ask to be reassigned with different prompts by DM-ing any of the admins through Discord or Twitter.
- Strangers for Peace is strictly voluntary and a creator is permitted to withdraw from the project at any time if they so desire through contacting any one of the admins.
- Creation deadline TBD